Manchester Arena Attack

Statement from the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region.

It is with great sadness that we respond to the terrible news from the Manchester Arena. Very few of us can begin to comprehend the horror of this event. Our thoughts and prayers are with the injured and the families of the bereaved. This was a terrorist attack on children and young people in our city.

Our commitment is to unite and remember that Manchester is a great city made up of many communities. A city that has faced adversity over the years. A city that has always recovered because of the resilience of all its communities.

We commend the thoroughly professional work of the authorities and emergency services and the generosity of the hotels, taxi drivers and others who gave free accommodation and transport to young people last night. We remain resilient and vigilant in the face of adversity, just as we did in 1996.

Whoever has committed this atrocity does not represent any community in our city, they represent evil, hatred and despair. They will never prevail. We will respond with love.

We call on all people in our city to reach out to those whom we may see as different and ensure that they know we stand together. We stand together with all people of faith who condemn this atrocity and have sent their prayers and messages of support for Manchester.

No matter what faith, creed or nationality, we are all Manchester.