Answer Cancer Grants available
The funding link is and the amount available between £1000 and £2000.
Domestic Abuse Bill 2020
Please find below a link to the fact sheet giving details of the new Domestic Abuse Bill 2020
Barbara Goldstone z”l
It is with great sadness that we heard the news of the loss of Barbara Goldstone zl. She is now reunited with her late husband Neville whom she sorely missed. She is survived by her three daughters Karen, Sandra (in USA) and Jayne (London), and many grandchildren and great grandchildren....
Passover Food Guide for the UK Jewish Community
Please follow this link to to see advice on Passover food in the current crisis.
Important Community Notice concerning the present situation
Please read the following announcement about the collaboration between the CST and JRC
Beth Din relaxes dietary requirements for Pesach
You can download the advice of the London Beth Din following this link. Download Beth Din Guidelines
RepPresents Pesach 5780 / Spring 2020
The latest edition of RepPresents is now available for download
Manchester Jewish Community Awards
Manchester Jewish Community Awards – click here to register for General Admission tickets