Ceflix Interview Regarding October 7th

Our Community and Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Rabbi Danny Bergson gave an interview to Ceflix discussing the October 7th terrorist attacks and the continued effect the conflict is having on our Jewish community.

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Meeting with James Frith MP

We joined Community Security Trust (CST) in Westminster to speak with James Frith MP, MP for Bury North. We discussed regional and national issues of importance whilst thanking James for his long-standing support to our community.

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University of Manchester

It was a pleasure to spend time with Professor Duncan Ivison, the Vice chancellor of the University of Manchester and Professor Nalin Thakkar, the Vice President for Social Responsibility. We thanked Duncan and Nalin for the wonderful solidarity and support offered to Jewish students on campus. Alongside UJS (Union of...

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Middle East and Faith Ministers Visit Manchester Jewish Museum

We were grateful to host the Middle East Minister, Hamish Falconer and Faith Minister, Lord Wajid Khan who joined our community to remember October 7th. They enjoyed a tour of the Manchester Jewish Museum prior to meeting our communal leadership and attending the outstanding commemoration service. Thank you to both...

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October 7th Commemoration

Over 800 people from the Greater Manchester Jewish community came together for a powerful service to commemorate the tragic events of October 7th. We will remember all the victims of this atrocity and continue campaigning for the immediate release of the 101 hostages. Thank you to all the team at...

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Manchester Stands With Israel Rally

In commemoration of the atrocities committed on October 7th, our community joined with friends from across society to march through central Manchester. We expressed our love for the State  of Israel, commemorated the heinous attacks that took place 12 months ago and demanded the immediate release of all the hostages....

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Antisemitism Policy Trust Conservative Party Conference Fringe

We attended an excellent fringe arranged by the Antisemitism Policy Trust at the Conservative Party Conference. The panel chaired by Baroness Ayesha Hazarika discussed whether we were living in an antisemitic age. Also on the panel was the former Deputy Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden, Director of the Trust, Danny Stone...

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Conservative Party Conference

We have spent time at the Conservative Party Conference this week. This included an excellent Conservative Friends of Israel reception, where a packed room heard from families of hostages currently held in Gaza, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, Andrew Mitchell MP and the four candidates standing to become Leader of the...

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Jewish Strategic Group

We continue to be proud of our work connecting and coordinating the Greater Manchester Jewish community. The Jewish Strategic Group is now over four years old.  Chaired by Mark Adlestone OBE, it provides a unique opportunity for our community to engage with each other and speak to elected representatives from...

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Meeting with Preston City Council

It was a pleasure to visit Quuwutal Islam Mosque and Preston City Council. We held frank and open discussions with community members and Councillors from all three represented Parties about the conflict in the Middle East and the effect on community cohesion. We are grateful to the Council for facilitating...

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