Event details
- Wednesday | February 9, 2022
- 7:30 pm
Jewish Renaissance magazine will be hosting a fascinating free zoom event on Wednesday 9th February at 7.30pm about Jewish Afghanistan.
In their January issue, they have a number of very interesting and in-depth articles about Jewish Afghanistan and at the zoom event, some of those interviewed in the articles will be speaking.
Among the evacuees pulled from Afghanistan before the Taliban takeover last autumn were the last of Afghanistan’s Jewish community. Join this zoom event to explore the Jewish history and culture of this turbulent country, as covered in JR’s latest issue.
Guests include Ziva Ambalo, whose family fled Afghanistan for London during the Soviet occupation of the country in 1981; Suhrab Sirat, a recent Afghan refugee and BBC World Service journalist and poet, whose literary co-translator is JR’s executive director Dr Aviva Dautch; archaeologist Ulrike-Christiane Lintz, an expert on Afghan synagogue buildings; Rabbi Mendy Chitrik, chairman of the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States; and Yotam Politzer, the CEO of IsraAid, who helped organise last year’s evacuation of Afghanistan’s female cycling and robotics teams from the country.
Please click on this link to register, the zoom details will be sent to you a few days beforehand: https://www.jewishrenaissance.org.uk/events/winter-issue-launch-2022