If you used to live in Manchester,
please take 5 minutes to help us
plan for the future of
the Manchester Jewish community
and understand its needs
by completing our survey

Please also share the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/N7MM8YN

The JRC has been at the forefront of highlighting that Greater Manchester is a wonderful place to be Jewish.
Manchester is home to a vibrant, thriving and outward facing Jewish community, underpinned by many charitable organisations, synagogues and schools.
We have built excellent relationships with universities across Greater Manchester and are thrilled that they are such attractive places for young Jewish people to attend and experience the warmth of the Greater Manchester Jewish community.
Despite the community continuing to develop and grow there is a historical trend of many young people leaving Greater Manchester to continue their lives elsewhere.
We have created this short survey to better understand and hopefully reverse the trend.