Dear Friend

Over the last year, the JRC has continued to grow and evolve.  We have built the organisation that we promised at our inception.

I am proud that we have been at the forefront of advocating for our community.  Our national profile has grown as we are asked to comment and work on issues of significant importance to our community across the country.  I encourage everyone to read our annual review, website and view our social media channels.

It is no secret that we have had to deal with unprecedented challenges this past year.  The scourge of antisemitism once again entered the mainstream following the 7th October terrorist atrocities.  We immediately mobilised to ensure politicians and the media were briefed.  Our unique setup allows us to operate in Westminster and locally to ensure our concerns are heard and acted upon by key decision makers.  I have seen firsthand on many occasions how the conversations we initiate with politicians have demonstrated tangible results.

Whilst working to brief government in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks, we simultaneously arranged a public vigil addressed by senior politicians and communal leaders in the presence of national media.  I am particularly proud of the March Against Antisemitism we organised where the largest ever gathering of our community outside of London came together in a public show of strength and solidarity.  Our reach in the media is unprecedented where we have been featured on national television news and radio.  We have also been asked to comment by the biggest news publications in the country ensuring our voice is magnified and our perspective heard and understood.  On a policy level, we have drafted a manifesto with recommendations solely focused on Greater Manchester.  This gives all elected representatives a clear understanding of all the issues affecting our community.

It is more important than ever that we remain outward facing and celebrate our amazing community.  It is always a pleasure to arrange site visits to our affiliates and the wider community to showcase how our organisations are operating at the highest levels.  We hosted the largest ever Community Awards where the packed room celebrated all those who were nominated for their work in caring for needy people.  We took part in A Time To Say Thank You for the first time which is designed to thank emergency staff working in Christmas Day.  Our interfaith Succot Event was also a tremendous success with many dignitaries joining our community.

Our convening power also remains strong.  We have brought together those in our diverse community who operate in the mental health and SEND space.  Along with the Strategic Group that continues to gain momentum and influence, we are leading with providing a strategic vision for our community ensuring that gaps are filled and people who are vulnerable remain cared for.

As you will be aware, the JRC has always produced an annual Directory.  This is an excellent tool for our community as it methodically compiles and lists relevant contact details of our organisations.  It also has a dual purpose of being the primary fundraising tool for the JRC.  By supporting this important document, you will be directly helping the JRC with our invaluable work.

I present here our Advertising Form and kindly request you support the JRC during this important time for our community.

There have been many achievements but there is far more to be achieved.

Your financial support is invaluable in helping us accomplish our ambitious plans for the future.

With kind regards

Mark Adlestone OBE



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