Changes to Constitution

The Jewish Representative Council has recently made major changes to its structures to better represent and serve our community. Previously the Council’s Executive consisted of 6 Honorary Officers and 39 representatives elected in groups from Institutions, Synagogues, Women’s organisations, Youth organisations, Magistrates & Councillors, Board of Deputies members and Honorary...

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Challenging Hate Forum ‘We Stand Together’ 28th July 2015

There was a great turn out at the Challenge Hate AGM Forum at Manchester Cathedral. The forum was an opportunity for the communities and network to raise their concerns, issues and give their thoughts on Hate Crime. It also gave people an opportunity to get an update on the efforts...

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Courtesy Visit to the Lord Mayor of Manchester

The following members of the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester paid a courtesy visit to the newly-elected Lord Mayor of Manchester – Councillor Paul Murphy OBE – on Monday, 20th July 2015: Rabbi Tony Walker – Honorary Secretary Frank Baigel – Immediate Past President Barbara Goldstone – Past President...

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Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF THE JEWISH REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL There will be an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Council to be held on: Sunday 12th July 2015 at 10.30am in order to amend the Constitution. As a quorum of at least 50 delegates is needed to change the Constitution,...

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AGM 2015 – President’s Report

Report by President, Sharon Bannister, 10th may 2015 I am very proud to stand before you today and deliver my report at the end of my first year as your President. This report does not include everything that we have done, organised or been involved with over the last year...

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Cheadle Hustings

The Jewish Representative Council held an excellent Hustings at Yeshurun Hebrew Congregation on Monday evening. Many thanks to Yeshurun and other partners, FN4M (Faith Network for Manchester) and Stockport Interfaith Network, for help in organising. Also thanks to candidates Martin Miller, Matthew Torbitt, Mary Robinson,Mark Hunter, Helen Bashford, Drew Carswell...

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TRIP TO BETH SHALOM – SUNDAY 28TH JUNE. The Jewish Representative Council, in partnership with the Council of Christians & Jews, Salford Interfaith Network and Faith Network 4 Manchester we will be taking a 53-seater coach for this trip. We encourage as many of our friends as possible to book...

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